
Mystery Landing at Jacksons under investigations

Customs Officers are currently investigatingthe mysterious landing of anInternational Be ing 737 aircraft at Jackson’sInternational Airport in Port Moresby on Friday, January 18.

The plane landed atthe Jackson Airport at 8:30pm on Thursday, January 17.

Customs officers onthe ground alerted police whenthe pilot and cabin crew acted suspiciously.

A routine check by customs provided valuable information of a high delegation meeting on boardthe aircraft.

The Customs and Police searchthe aircraft but came out quiet. The silence is deafening in this busy airport.

It is alleged those on board are two fugitive wanted bythe Vanuatu transnational crime.

The pilot and cabin crew were ordered to leavethe airport after requesting with customs officials that a number ofthe crew sleep on board.

Civil aviation authority including appropriate authorities confirmed a shutdown ofthe aircraft until investigations confirmedthe legitimate arrival ofthe 737 aircraft that is now grounded by CAA at bay 3 Jackson Airport.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has issued directions for an investigation intothe mysterious landing of a Be ing 737 jet aircraft.

Customs and immigrations officials are looking intothe circumstances surroundingthe arrival ofthe aircraft.

News compile by Mickey Kavera and Michelle Amba.

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