
Morobe: Road Accidents Increase

Road accidents have increased at a steady rate in Morobe Province since January last year.  

Lae’s traffic officers say, allthese accidents occur because of driver’s negligence.

They say more accident will happen inthe province if drivers aren’t cautious abouttheir driving behaviors.

Following a steady increase inthe number of road accidents in Morobe province, Officer in charge of Lae’s traffic, Snr.Inspector Jimmy Yaringraised concern that drivers have to be cautious every timethey are onthe road.

Since January last year to date, Lae Traffics has recorded a total of 363 minor accidents- 92 serious accidents, of which 28 ofthem were fatal.

While many Lae residents are blaming poor road conditions asthe main cause ofthese accidents,Inspector Yaring says, driver negligence isthe root cause.  
Alongthe notorious Markham highway, road accidents have claimed many lives in recent years. On Monday this week, a collision at nine mile outside Lae city left one seriously injured.

Sergeant Damien Andrew is a veteran traffic officer, withthe Lae’s traffic unit for 15 years. Overthe years, he says, mechanical faults and improper safety inspections on vehicleshave also contributed to road accidents.  

With many ofthe Lae roads being rehabilitated, drivers may take advantage andexceedthe traffic’s authorized speed limits.

Also, within Lae city,there are evidences of poor traffic signs. This has forced some drivers to breach traffic rules, putting lives of pedestrians in danger.

traffic officers say,there will be more road accidents if drivers aren’t cautious.


Edwin Fidelis National EMTV News

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