
Morobe Government Starting Relief Supply for El Nino

by Bethanie Harriman EMTV Lae

Morobe’s Provincial Government has begun delivering relief supplies to areas affected by the El Nino, starting with Waria in the Bulolo district.

The Province is facing money problems, but has allocated 1 million kina into its Provincial disaster relief efforts.

Morobe Governor, Kelly Naru, said he has asked the National Government for an additional 2.5 million kina.

“We have almost close to 4 million kina in the Province, that’s the kind of number we are looking at, if we are to service all our affected areas,” said Governor Naru.

The scramble to get relief supplies to parts of the province worst affected by the dry spell has begun in Morobe.

People in Waria of the Bulolo district face severe food and water shortages, with some deaths reported.

The Local Level Government Ward will be the first to receive 3 hundred thousand kina worth food supply from the Provincial government.

While the eight other districts wait to receive help from a Provincial Government budget of 1 million kina for the El Nino relief, Menyamya district has received 5 hundred thousand kina directly from the national government.

The Provincial Executive Council diverted funds from non-essential projects to carry out Provincial relief assistance.

A disaster committee has been created and headed by Provincial Administrator Patalius Gamato.

The Morobe Provincial government is relying heavily on internal revenue for its service delivery.

It has received 3 million kina of the 45 million kina PSIP.

With the dry spell hitting the Province like many other places around the country, it is putting a strain on resources.

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