
Medical Symposium Launch

by Delly Bagu – EM TV, Port Moresby

This year’s Medical Symposium is focused on women’s health.

This emphasis aims to open up dialogues and encourage innovative and strategic ways to address women’s health.

PNG Women’s Doctors Association President Dr Lydia Sinigoi said this is vital, as maternal and infant mortality rates are still high.

A media conference was held today to launch the 51st Medical Symposium. The symposium will be held from August 30th to the 4th of September in Port Moresby, with the theme of “Advancing Women’s Health through Innovation”.

PNG Women’s Doctors Association President Dr Lydia Sinigoi said despite the consecutive health plans, there are still real issues with access to healthcare and the proper screening and diagnosis of cancers in females, to name a few.

Medical Society of PNG President Professor Nakapi Tefuarani, said the symposium will not only discuss women’s health. It will include presentations from other specialists for recommendations to the government through the Health Department.

The Medical Society has a medical journal where all papers from the symposium will be published. Medical professionals from around the world learn about the different diseases that exist in PNG through this journal.

The symposium is hosted by the PNG Women Doctors Association, on behalf of the Medical Society of PNG. Patron of the symposium is Lynda Babao-O’Neill, wife of the Prime Minister, who pledged his support with K100,000. It will cost the Medical Society about K600,000 to hold the event and they are appealing for financial assistance to stage the week-long symposium.

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