Health Life News

Urgent Need for Water on Manam Island


By Rachel Shishei – EM TV News, Madang

The volcano-affected Manam islanders of Madang Province are in dire need for fresh water supply to drink and cook. Suffering from the aftermath of the minor eruption two months ago, and the drought currently being experienced in the province, their call for water is urgent.

The drought is now in its fourth month, resulting in the islanders’ water wells drying up fast.

“We don’t have safe drinking water, the water we are using is from the sea. If there’s high tide, we are not able to fetch water,” said Peter Sukua, a Baliau village kukurai or leader.

In terms of relief supplies, the provincial government has made only two shipments so far, with rice in the first, and flour and oil in the second shipment.

With that, the RD Tuna Fish cannery in the province has donated 1000 cartons of tinned fish, to which 300 has already been delivered, with 700 more to go.

“We are donating 100 cases of tinned fish, 100 boxes of biscuits, 25 bales of rice and 10 cartons of noodles,” said Executive Director of RD Foundation, Alexanda Atop.

The Provincial Disaster Coordinator, Rudolph Mongalee, thanked the company, mentioning that the donation was in response to the request made by his office, for relief help.

“The Madang Provincial Disaster team thanks the RD Canners, for your quick response to our request, to help support the volcano affected people,” said Mr Mongalee.

Apart from the RD Cannery, is the Bodbod people of Bogia, who donated a thousand bags of sago, making them the only groups outside the government, to help the islanders with food.

Meanwhile, the volcano on the island is spewing ashes.

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