
Man Shot By Police


By Vasinatta Yama, EM TV – Port Moresby

A man aged in his early 20s from Southern Highlands province was shot and injured by a group of men on the Magi Highway, just outside of Port Moresby over the weekend.

It is alleged that the group of men are police officers. The victim’s brother, Jack Wesil, told EMTV News that he believes the group of armed men was after him, and not his brother.

The group was unable to find him, as he was out of town, and entered the property and shot his brother.

The men were alleged to be under the influence of alcohol, and were driving in four unmarked vehicles. Wesil, who is a former police officer, claimed that his younger brother was shot at close range with a pistol.

Wesil’s brother is receiving treatment to both his legs. The bullet went through his left ankle and landed on his right toe. Wesil claimed the policemen are bodyguards to a senior police officer in the National Capital District (NCD).

He has filed a formal complaint at the Boroko Police Station.

Police are yet to investigate and identify those involved. Despite 2016 being a year of discipline, as declared by Police Commissioner, Gari Baki, police brutality cases are on the rise, especially in NCD.

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