
Maipakai Praises Governmnt’s District Housing Project

Minister for Labour andIndustrial Relations, Mark Maipaikai, has commendedthe government’s incentive to build ten houses in each districtostarting next year.

Minister Maipakai said it’sthe kind of incentive that will drive productivity and improver service delivery.


He saidthe government was transferring huge resources tothe Districts and Provinces to effectively deliver services and housing for public servants was an important issue andthe government has prioritized housing through this initiative.


The O’Neill-Dion government has provided over K200 million inthe 2014 Budget to build 10 houses in each District.


Ofthe K200 million, each District will provide K500,000 to supportthe project underthe DSIP Fund, with Provincial Governments to chip in K500,000 underthe PSIP.


The government also plans to set up District Development Authorities, which replacesthe Joint District Budget Priorities and Planning Committee.


The Bell will be introduced in Parliament next week by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.

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