
La Salle Hohola Youth Development Centre Robbed

Yesterday, more than ten armed robbers broke into La Salle Hohola Youth Development Centre in Port Moresby and ran off with AusAID-donated equipment totalling more than K100, 000.


Over 30 laptops were stolen fromthe Development Centre.

Security guards said 17 armed robbers enteredthe school grounds at around 3am and assaultedthem, andthen tlied up beforethey broke intothe building.


Though a number of rooms were broken into,the robbers were after a specific targetoa lab containing 39 laptops.


School Director and Principal Bether Antony Swamy saidthetheft has now affected classesor students’


And withthe end ofthe academic year approaching,they are not sure whtherthey can continue classesortheir students’


“I am unhappy and I don’t know what to do. I needthe laptops to proceed with classes, therwise I can’t do,” said Bether Swamy.

Recently,the centre had received a five-million kina (K5m) donation from AusAID throughtheIncentive Fund.


The current developments andthe computers were purchased through that funding.

Withthe lab swept clean of its laptops, this has jeopardisedthe education ofthese Grade 11 Office Management students’


Forensics was atthe centre to begin investigations intothetheft. They andthe school have not ruled out a possible inside job.


Whilst investigations are carrlied out,they are asking for any information fromthe public regardingthe computers.


They saidthe laptops have stickers ofthe centre and AusAID and can be easily identiflied.

Anyone with information can contact your nearest police station orthe school on 325 7290 or 325 7670.



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