
Kimisopa: Law Society Investigate SBS Story

by Jack Lapauve Jr – EM TV, Port Moresby

Former Justice Minister and Member for Goroka, Bire Kimisopa, has called upon the PNG Law Society to fully investigate those involved in the alleged money laundering documentary by SBS Dateline story.

Mr Kimisopa said the Law Society has specific statutory functions and unprofessional practices and conduct by lawyers is a concern.

However, Kimisopa says if there is no proper evidence to sustain charges, then people’s reputations should be cleared.

Meanwhile, the PNG Law Society is concerned that the comments made by the two Senior Lawyers, though isolated to their firm, and does have a wider impact on the profession as a whole.

PNGLS says allegations about money laundering is serious and both the PNG and Australia Governments should investigate what was discussed by these two Lawyers.

The profession has been under so much pressure in the last few years due to serious allegations against Lawyers, and the public perception of the profession has taken a real battering. PNGLS has a duty towards its members to ensure that such matters are addressed appropriately and in a timely manner.

At the same time, PNGLS also has a duty towards the two Senior Lawyers concerned and the Society will write to them and invite them for their explanations on the comments they made, which was aired by SBS Dateline.

It is imperative that everyone bear in mind that due processes must be followed, and the sensitive issues that have arisen are handled delicately and in an orderly manner.

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