Business News

K49 million coastal wharf nears completion

PNG Ports Corporation Limited’s (PNGPCL) new coastal wharf is three months away from been completed.

The construction of the new coastal wharf project at PNGPCL’s Kimbe Port has reached about 59% completion as of 31st of March 2015.

Chief Executive Officer of PNGPCL, Mr. Stanley Alphonse, said “overall project progress is 59% with only three months (including April) remaining till the project completion date.”

“As per the contractor, Curtain Brothers (PNG) Limited, the project duration is a total of 168 days and completion is aimed for June this year,” Mr. Alphonse said. However, recent bad weather has caused delays by about a month so completion is forecasted for end of July 2015.

“I am happy with the progress so far and would like to thank everyone involved,” he said.

Mr. Alphonse said, with the current problems faced by the people of West New Britain Province due to the recent flooding, it is only proper that the coastal wharf infrastructure is completed soon so that goods and services continue to flow into the province at a faster rate.

“This is our commitment to the people of WNBP. The new wharf is also part of our commitment to improving the berthing facilities at our declared ports,” he said.

The project continues in its construction stage after the completion of stage one (feasibility & planning) and stage two (tendering).

So far, works completed are the demolishing of main structure of passenger and coastal wharf, dredging of area near the quay line, all pile welding to 24 metres pile lengths, concrete precast at Motukea is 73%, and civil works for the hard stand area.

Meanwhile, pile driving is currently in progress with overall piling works 4% completed.

Construction of a new hard stand area for container storage is also part of the project.

The project is aimed at relieving the current congestion at Kimbe Port which will enable coastal vessels to continue operations with tankers alongside the main berth.

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