
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit A Film Review

“Russia is a corporation, not a country. Jack this is a delicate situation. Just make sure you don’t lose our major investor”.
Jack a financial analyst and a recruited CIA agent, thought his hero days were well over after he left the Marines… Until he noticed some suspicious activity on the stock market from their Russian Investors.

Based on a character adapted from Tom Clancy’s writings, Shadow Recruit is an action-packed thriller that follows the story of a highly intellectual, amazingly skilful young man, Jack Ryan (Chris Pine).

For decades, the Russian empire has been plotting against the United States of America. Their way of eliminating their nemesis and greatest competitor is by way of collapsing the US stock market as well as carrying out a terrorism act that is so lethal; it could kill hundreds, if not thousands of people.

Elimination through terrorism and capitalization for the love of the Russian nation is the main theme of the film.

North Irelands’ Kenneth Branagh brings to the big screen another one of Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan pieces. He not only directs, but plays the role of the leading antagonist Viktor Chevrin, a ruthless Russian businessman who is the man behind the operation aimed at destroying the US and becoming most superior, dubbed “Operation Lamentations”.

The film dares to convince us that our world is yet to experience mass destruction because secret agencies like the CIA, FBI, and people like Jack Ryan exist. Every second makes a difference and saving the world is first priority even till the last moment.

The understated hero in this film is the ravishingly stunning Keira Knightley as Cathy, the soon-to-be Mrs Ryan. Her beauty and intelligence blurs the mind of our Viktor Cheverin, who has a weakness for women and vodka, help Jack uncover the plot against his nation.

For our Sci-Fi fans, this is the latest instalment to one of Tom Clancy’s pieces and it coincides with the latest technology and innovative skills used to commit crimes or prevent them.

Join Jack in his race against time to save not only his Fiancé but also Beloved America from larcenous Russians.

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