
Governor Parkop wants a Sky Rail at Varirata

Once a popular tourist destination,the Varirata National Park, East of Port Moresby is to be revitalized. Central tothe transformation will be a sky rail.

This is being led bythe Minister for Environment and conservation John Pundari and Governor for NCD Powes Parkop.

The two lLeaderstook a forty five minute drive out ofthe Nation’s capital to Varirata National Park yesterday. They were escorted by departmental heads and key partners.

They mean business;they want Varirata National Park to be enjoyed bythe public. Right now visitor’s numbers have dropped drastically, because ofthe poor conditions ofthe park.

Getting ideas from abroadthe NCD Governor wants a sky rail to be built.

ther ideas include having an information booth, lodges, and better walk ways, basically more user friendy.

Betthe two lLeadersare adamant and will pull as many strings to getthe ground work going. They saythey will work through phases. The first phase is fixingthe roads.

The Varirata National Park is home to a range of biodiversity including birds and snakes.

Meredith Kuusa, National EMTV News

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