
Government To Visit Major Projects

Chief Secretary, Sir Manasupe Zurenouc, will lead a government team to assess the progress of major projects taking place in NCD and other provinces.

Government DepartMen’s and line agencies have been put on notice to furnish up and submit all progressive reports.


The visits are in line with the Performance AgreeMen’s signed by respective Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators to implement three priority projects.


When the government took office in 2012, it’s focus was to improve the nation’s rundown infrastructure, much of which were not maintained since the early 1980’s.


The poor state of the infrastructure resulted in limited opportunities and a decline in the people’s living standards, despite a record of economic growth since 2012.


Businesses were complaining that the poor state of affairs resulted in high costs, and consumers had to meet those costs through increased price of goods and services.


Therefore, through the Leaders’ Summit in 2013, Prime Minister, Peter O&rsquO’Neill called on Leaders, State Ministers and Provincial Governors to be part of change with resulted in many of the infrastructure changes notably in NCD and Lae. 


In Port Moresby, the government Team led by Sir Manasupe will visit the development taking place at the Jackson’s International Airport, Kookaburra Fly – Over Development and the major road developMen’s in the city.


Then the team will travel to Lae to see the progress of Lae City Road upgrade, Angau Hospital re–development, the Lae Tidal Basin & Wharf Development and the progress of Lae–Nazab road.


In the coming months, the team will also visit other provincial centres to assess the progress of major projects in New Ireland, East New Britain, Madang, Mt Hagen, Enga and Southern Highlands Province.


All government departMen’s, State Owned Entities and Provincial GovernMen’s are expected to submit their progressive reports on the impact projects identified during the summit at the start of the year.


The visitations on the major project areas will start this Thursday in NCD.

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