
Golubu People in Central Province Call for New Bridge

by Willie Lovai – EM TV News, Port Moresby

People from the Golubu village, in Central Province, have to swim across the Camp Welsh River just to get home. 

Since the collapse of the Golubu Bridge in 2010, locals from Golubu have been calling on their leaders to look into building a new bridge. 

Golubu village councillor, Vanagi Kila, said the Aid Post and school are on the other side of the river, away from the village, and since the collapse of the bridge going to and from has been difficult.

He said that without a bridge, what used to be normal village activities are now difficult as there are more restrictions on movement in and out of the village.

Golubu village is located in the Rigo District of the Central Province, and has a population of more than 1,000 people.

Golubu sits opposite the Camp Welsh River, and is in need of a new bridge for the locals to cross over.

Headmaster of Launa Kalana Primary, Gouna Kila, expressed his concern about students crossing the river just to go to school.

Kila said the bridge was the lifeline of the village until it had collapsed, and since then it is difficult just to get home.

Since the collapse of the Golubu Bridge in 2010, the only way to get to the village is by dingy.

However, the village has only one dingy to help with crossing and the locals usually have to swim across the Camp Welsh River just to get home.

It has been five years since the bridge collapsed, and the only way to get to the village is to swim across. There is only one dingy to help with crossing and for the people of Golubu, getting home is a hassle.

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