Australia’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard has called a ballot for the Labor lLeadersip at 7pm (AEST) tonight – according to News Limited Network.
The News Ltd reported that Ms Gillard says whoever losesthe election should retire from politics and she added she was prepared to do that if she fails to retainthe lLeadersip.
“All ofthese issues need to be resolved tonight,” she said.
“We cannot havethe Government orthe Labor Party go tothe next election with a person leadingthe Labor Party and a person floating around asthe potential alternate leader.”
That was whythe loser must retire, she said.
The Labor lLeadersip crisis escalated today with reports Kevin Rudd would challenge Ms Gillard.
A petition for a ballot circulated among Labor MP’sis believed to now havethe required numbers for a spill ofthPM, News Ltd'’s reported. – / Photograph: