
Call on Foreign Affairs Department to Repatriate Displaced Foreigner

by Eric Haurupma – EM TV News, Port Moresby

Gordon’s Police Barracks Officer in Charge, Chief Sergeant Jeffery Simewa, is calling on the Foreign Affairs Department and Malaysian Government for an immediate repatriation of Jackson Loh Weng Kiang to his home country.

Kiang, a 40-year-old from Malaysia, displaced in Port Moresby was found two weeks ago in front of Econ Trading and is now taking refuge at Gordon’s Barracks on humanitarian grounds.

EMTV arrived today at Gordon’s Barracks and spoke to Kiang.

Kiang was brought into the country in 2001 by the owner of Econ Trading to operate high-low and horse race gambling machines.

According to Kiang, he was among 10 others who came to Papua New Guinea at the same time.

However, after the government imposed a ban on operating gambling machines in the country in 2001, he was left displaced.

He told EMTV that he had a wife from Papa village with two children that he usually visited.

According to Chief Sergeant Simewa, all Kiang’s countrymen had left except for Jackson, who had a mental illness that may have forced him to stay.

“I found him wandering in front of Econ Trading two weeks ago and brought him to Gordon’s Police Barracks and taken refuge as opposed to his humanitarian status,” Simewa said.

Kiang claimed that the Foreign Affairs Department confiscated his travel documents.

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