This is an initiative bythe Open Member for Kerema, Richard Mendani.
Rubber was first planted commercially in Papua New Guineainthe early 1900’s.Investments intothe industry were exclusively in estates owned and managed by foreigners.
However,the industry began to decline inthe 1970’s afterthe introduction ofthe ‘National Plantation Redistribution Scheme’.
Its objectives were to allow nationals inthe estate sectors to become owners, and to alleviate local land shortages in areas where land had been alienated.
Kerema MP, Richard Mendani, sought to restorethe 52 blocks ofthe run down plantation in Murua Village.
The Rubber Rehabilitation Project is one of several impact projects and will highlightthe District’s roll-out program for 2013.
Mr. Mendani also voiced his desire for the Gulf Province to becomethe agriculture hub of Papua New Guinea
The project will be underthe Management of Alvery Resources Limited, a Singapore and Malaysia company.