Minister for Petroleum William Duma was urged today by Member for Chuave Wera Mori, to identify all genuine landowners beforethe LNG project formally begins.
He said this is to ensure genuine landowners receivetheir royalty payments, and not con artists. He added this could disruptthe multi-billion kina project.
&ldquoIn 2014 we are going to havethe first gas to be piped out of Hela province; and isthe Minister aware ofthe potential problems it will have ifthe genuine and true landowners are not identiflied atthe earliest time?” asked MP Mori.
Minister Duma said this has already been taken into consideration and a survey will be carrlied out shortly.
“The O’Neill government has recognized that and it has allocated ten million kina (K10 million) to undertake that process.
Hethen turns tothe Speaker and says, “Mr Speaker my department has already recruitedthe people that we need. We putthem through training and employees of my department will be onthe ground to conduct house to house surveys.