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Discussions Between JICA, NCDC and CEPA on Phase 2 of J-PRISM

A consultation meeting was held today for Phase 2 of the Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in the Pacific Island Countries (J-PRISM II).

The technical cooperation project was discussed between the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in collaboration with the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) and Conservation Protection Authority (CEPA).

JICA applauded the achievement made by the Waste Management Division of NCDC for the successful completion of Phase I of the Project.

It was the second consultation meeting as well as the signing ceremony for the second phase of J-PRISM, known as the Japanese Technical Cooperation project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries.

Phase I of the project saw big improvements to the Baruni disposal site through the efforts of the NCDC Waste Management Team.

The main objective of the JICA technical corporation like J-PRISM is to develop and enhance the capacity of counterparts.

Chief Representative of JICA PNG, Takashi Toyama, said the Japanese Technical Cooperation project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management is one of the most remarkable projects in the Pacific Region.

He said APEC 2018 is the ideal opportunity for PNG to showcase its waste management efforts to APEC countries.

Today, the parties agreed on taking the next step to further improve solid waste management in the country.

JICA thanked the Government of PNG and especially the CEPA, Department of National Planning and NCDC for their contributions to the formulation of J-PRISM Phase II.

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