
Detectives Deployed to Investigate Death of Young Woman and Singaporean Businessman

By Allanah Leahy – EM TV Online

Three detectives, including a senior police officer are now in Lae, Morobe province for investigations into the deaths of Moanna Pisima, 24, and Tan Tiam Teng, 69, managing director of Morobe Stationery.

Acting Deputy Police Commissioner and Chief of Operations, Jim Andrews said the officers were deployed yesterday afternoon on instructions from Commissioner Geoffrey Vaki.

A press statement from the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) this afternoon announced the appointment of seasoned detective and Director of Crimes Chief Superintendent, Peter Guinness as head of the team.

One of the victims, Tiam Tan, originally from Singapore, was found dead in his home in Lae’s suburb of Eriku, last Thursday.

Moana Pisimi was allegedly killed by bullet(s) fired through the back of her vehicle, during a high-speed chase involving police and security.

Moanna’s killing has caused outrage among Papua New Guineans.

This afternoon, Deputy Police Commissioner, Jim Andrews appealed to the public and social media users to refrain from circulating ‘defamatory and unsubstantiated comments against the police’.

He urged the public to remain calm and allow the investigation team to complete their job.

Deputy Commissioner Andrews also said Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commander, Assistant Commissioner Alan Scott’s comment in today’s edition of The National, which highlighted the AFP’s non-involvement in the Pisimi shooting, should not discourage readers as the AFP has a specific consultative role in Papua New Guinea.

“The investigation into the Pisimi case and all other crimes for that matter are the sovereign responsibility of the RPNGC but as and when required, the RPNGC expects professional advice from members of the AFP who are deployed in Port Moresby and Lae as advisors,” Deputy Commissioner Andrews said.

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