Entertainment Life News

Christmas on Fisherman’s Island

By Meleasie Goviro – EM TV News, Port Moresby


Following the launching of their ongoing annual festive celebrations on Sunday last week, Fisherman Islanders celebrated Christmas day in the merriest of spirits.

The five clans of Fisherman Island for the past four years have taken turns to host this event under their United Church’s Christmas program.

Siligo Clan hosted the largest of the festive celebrations the island has seen so far.

The Siligo clan according to Clan Chairman Gia Iga, began preparations in April this year with the aim of making it the biggest most significant day for their island.

He said the clan put in time and effort to fundraise for food, decorations and gifts for their fellow clan members, raising close to K100, 000 collectively.

 Eight months of Siligo Clans tireless preparation finally paid off.

The Island was simply alive with the sound of laughter, Christmas cheers, and pure joy.

Siligo Clan Chairman, Gia IgaIga, said unlike previous years, there were no disruptions from drunken behaviour that required police presence.

Since Celebrations kicked off on Monday this week, it will continue right through the festive period and till the New Year begins.

The highlight of the day were the traditional gift presentation from the Siligo Clan to their four other fellow clans; gifts of mainly food and other useful household items in generous piles.

The Siligo Clan was the last of five clans to host their annual Christmas programs.

Next year’s host is still under discussion.

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