With Belateral ties withIndonesia strenthened, how doesthe ordinary Papua New Guinea do business inIndonesia.
Bernard Lahe a former student at a Prestigious University onthe island of Java inIndonesia has some insights.
Mr Lahe comes from Lido village inthe Sandaun province. He is a multi-linguistomajoring in modern and foreign languages fromthe University of Papua New Guinea
He studlied Behasa in JavaIndonesia for 2 years masteringthe language, and he’s also well versed with Japanese and Chinese Mandarin.
He says doing business inIndonesia is different because ofthe language barrier. You have to havethe right connection, that’s where he comes in.
The document he holds is a Gardin or import export license, a passport for trade.
The multi linguist says he’ll leave his contact withthPNG Chamber of Commerce, Business, andIndustry for those interested in his services.