Health News

Awareness lacking on correct use of antibiotics

The last seven days saw the Department of Health run an awareness at select NCD schools and among officers in the health sector.

Manager, Pharmaceutical Services, Vali Karo, said getting the attention of the general public on the use of antibiotics will be their number one priority.

He said providing accurate information on antibiotic consumption to the general population is necessary.

Vali stressed, that people need to understand that, antibiotics should only be prescribed by the doctor and should not be taken from anywhere else.

He said many users are ignorant to taking prescriptions, and due to this, most times, medication is overused, causing bacteria to become resistant to it. This means treatment will not work.

Vali alluded antibiotics should not be shared among family members.

“You must follow instructions, your prescription is yours alone,” Vali told EMTV News.

He cautioned to always seek a doctor or health professional’s advise when taking antibiotics. He added that the administering of supplements for domestic or commercial animals and plants must also consulted with a veterinarian or agricultural specialist.

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