
ABAC on Connectivity Between Economies

by Leanne Jorari – EM TV, Port Moresby

The APEC Business Advisory Council, chaired by Ms. Doris Magsaysay Ho from the Philippines, met for a 2 day High Level Policy Dialogue on Human Capacity Building.

At a cocktail event hosted by Steamships Limited, Ms. Magsaysay Ho spoke exclusively to Business PNG’s Leanne Jorari about the topics that will be discussed during the meeting.

Business and political leaders must do more to ensure no-one is left behind as the Asia Pacific region continues to grow, this is the key message from the APEC Business Advisory Council otherwise known as ABAC.

ABAC was created by the APEC Economic Leaders in November 1995 to provide advice on the implementation of the Osaka Action Agenda and on other specific business sector priorities between economies.

ABAC comprises of up to three members of the private sector from each economy. Papua New Guinea’s representative in the ABAC is Mr David Toua, President of the Business Council of PNG.

Connectivity between Asia-Pacific has for so long eluded the region due to a number of contributing factors such as barriers to trade and investment caused by infrastructure or policy.

Connectivity between the economies is one of the discussion topics during the high level dialogues.

Ms. Magsaysay Ho also remarked that the vitality of small, medium and micro sized enterprises is key to ensuring no-one is left behind, as is the inclusion of women.

ABAC will be developing recommendations to enhance SMMEs access to ideas, markets, financing, technology and entrepreneurial skills.

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