Business News Pacific

Collapsing Pacific Bluefin Tuna Stocks Raise Concerns

by Marie Kauna – EMTV Online, Port Moresby

Pacific bluefin tuna is believed to be one of the most valuable species in the Northern Pacific Ocean, however the valuable resource is starting to see a slight downturn. 

The fisheries sector is seeing a collapse in its expected production, and is quickly becoming an area in dire need of a boost.

According to World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) Japan Head of Fishery and Seafood Project, Dr Aiko Yamauchi, “Around 90 per cent of the fishing take is now young fish that have not yet reproduced. It is clear that Pacific bluefin tuna management is totally inadequate to preserve the tuna stock.”

With concerns to help rescue this problem, members of the Northern Committee of the Western and Central Pacific Fishery Commission (WCPFC) have kicked off a four day international panel to discuss the matter, and draw up long-term conservation measures to help stem this issue.

Long term conservation targets is one of the main items on the agenda, amongst other discussion points. In support, the WWF strongly supports limitation on the number of fish being caught at any one time, as well as closer monitoring strategies to ensure quotas are respected. 

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