Rugby Union Sport

Nova Player Elipema Kini and his Family Forgive his Attacker

By Staycey Yalo – EMTV Sports, Port Moresby

The Family of the Rugby Union Player, Elipema Kini, who was attacked at the Bava Park Field last week, has forgiven the attacker and his team, Harlequins.

Elipema Kini is currently nursing a broken bone in his forearm after he was attacked by a member of an opposing team, who hit him with a pinch bar during a rugby match.

The Kini’s are yet to come to terms with what transpired at the Bava Park. In a Press Conference with EMTV, father of Elipema Kini, Friend Kini, said the family forgives those involved. The family had come together the night before to make a decision on what steps to take after learning that Elipema would need a plate in his arm. What’s more traumatizing for the family is the video of the attack which has been circulating on social media.

From Elipema’s recollection,  the incident could have been avoided if the attacker, Avosa Kaipu of the Harlequins team, had been stopped.

While the family appreciate the quick response from the Capital Rugby Union, they are now left with a son who will not be able to play, for at least 9 months. His wife Leilani was thankful that Elipema is still alive. Had he not lifted his arm to defend himself, the pinch bar would have struck him on his head. The family is thankful it did not come to that.

Elipema’s elder sister, Toka, called on the perpetrator to take the incident as a turning point in his life.

The Harlequins Rugby Union Club has agreed to cover all of Elipema’s medical costs, including that of his operation.

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