Former Police Commissioner, Toami Kulunga’s appeal to dismiss contempt charges against him was refused by a three-man Supreme Court Bench.
The bench included Justice Colin Makail, Justice Panuel Mogish and Justice Goodwin Poole.
The appeal was refused on grounds that there were no errors made, when Kulunga was convicted, and sentenced by the trial judge, Deputy Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika, in 2014.
This means Kulunga will be spending seven months at the Bomana Prison, outside Port Moresby.
This case is in relation to a number of court orders issued in 2012, which Kulunga failed to execute in his capacity as the then Police Commissioner.
Meanwhile, another former Police Commissioner, Geoffrey Vaki had his three-year sentence suspended after the three grounds on which Vaki was found guilty of were not proven beyond reasonable doubt.
Mr. Vaki’s case is in relation to the Arrest Warrant of Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill in 2012.