
Yoga Saga Continues in Parliament, Kramer Presents IPA Records

By Adelaide Sirox Kari – EMTV News, Port Moresby

New information has been brought to parliament on the ‘yoga saga’ that has featured social media. Madang MP, Bryan Kramer continued his queries on the registration of a company belonging to the head of NCDC yoga program.

Meanwhile, NCD Governor Powes Parkop, presented a personal statement in parliament regarding the contract.

Into day 2 of parliament and the contract awarding of the yoga program is queried again, this time the focus was on IPA registration of the company Yu Yet Limited that was awarded the contract. Yu Yet PNG Limited is the company that belongs to Yoga Instructor and advocate, Fazillah Bazari.

Minister for Trade, Commerce and Industry, Wera Mori, responded saying he would look into the registration and once done, will table it in parliament.

In the IPA document collected by Member for Madang Bryan Kramer, it showed the K100,000 needed for a foreign company to register a company at IPA, was paid by National Capital District Commission.

NCDC Governor, Powes Parkop, in a personal statement to parliament this morning, said he has not paid the registration of the company. He also went on to say that programs like ‘walk for life’ are a part of a bigger world network that use the opportunity as a platform to address social issues in the city.

The governor also said his personal interest was made clear and he was not part of the awarding of the K3 million contracts. But Kramer claims the documents from IPA on the registration of Yu Yet PNG Limited did not lie and an inquiry should be set up into the company registration and the sole shareholder of the company.

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