Emergency Papua New Guinea

Disaster Plan: PNG a step closer to Building Disaster Resilience

Image caption: UNDPs Khusrav Sharifov discusses the simulation exercise with the acting director of the PNG’s National Disaster Centre Martin Mose. Credit: Alice, Plate/UNDP (PNG)

In a recent step towards achieving an improved disaster risk management, a framework was drafted last month by the National Disaster Centre (NDC) with the technical support from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

As Papua New Guinea is prone to various natural disasters, having a National Disaster Recovery Framework in place, will help ensure that PNG can rapidly and successfully recover from a natural disaster.

“The Disaster Recovery Framework is key to ensure Papua New Guinea can efficiently respond to a large-scale disaster at a national level – this could be an event which affects several provinces or contributes to a significant loss of life or basic services,” said Roy Trivedy, UN Resident Coordinator and the Co-Chair of the Disaster Management Team in Papua New Guinea.

The Framework combines good practices from PNG and globally, and is designed to build national-level capacity to address disasters which exceed provincial capacities or affect more than one part of the country at the same time.

A statement released today from UNDP stated a step closer to achieving a National Disaster Risk Framework – with the establishment of a Technical Working Group to support the development of the Framework.

“The new DRM framework will be in line with the global Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and is expected to help prioritise risk reduction measures for government and other stakeholders to focus on until 2030,” said Khusrav Sharifov, UNDP Technical Specialist for Disaster Risk Management.

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